Byrne Carolan Cunningham Solicitors - Cosmetic Surgery

Public Question:

I am thinking about getting some cosmetic surgery. I am nervous about this and I am trying to do as much research as possible. I am particularly concerned about something going wrong. I know that Byrne Carolan Cunningham Solicitors have a Medical Negligence Department and I wonder if you have come across many legal cases where cosmetic procedures have not worked out as they should.

Thank you for your enquiry and I commend you on your decision to do as much research as possible prior to embarking on an elective cosmetic procedure.

I work within our busy Medical Negligence Department and I represent and advise clients who have experienced a negative outcome following such procedures.  In recent times, the number of enquiries relating to cosmetic procedures has significantly increased.

Common medical negligence causes of action involving elective cosmetic procedures which we address within our Medical Negligence Department include such issues as:

  • Breast augmentation resulting in scarring, injury or poor outcome
  • Liposuction procedures resulting in scarring or injury
  • Injury or poor outcome from abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
  • Injury or poor outcome from rhinoplasty
  • Injury or poor outcome from laser eye surgery
  • Injury or poor outcome from permanent or semi-permanent make-up.

The lack of adequate regulation of the cosmetic procedure business in Ireland is unsatisfactory. Following concerns expressed in relation to the safety and quality of surgical cosmetic procedures both in Ireland and abroad, recommendations were developed in partnership between the Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer.  This guidance paper entitled ‘Recommendations for patients considering surgical cosmetic procedures’ is available on the Department of Health website. I would respectfully suggest that you review this prior to proceeding with any elective cosmetic procedure.

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