Bob Paisley, Mohia Lane, Killurine, Tullamore.

Bob Paisley,

 Mohia Lane, Killurine, Tullamore.

Former employee  of Lambe  Oil.   Bob died (peacefully) at home surrounded by his adoring family on March 22nd.,   Reposing at his home on (Monday) from 4p.m until Rosary at 8p.m.   .   Bob's Requiem Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick's Church Killeigh on (Tuesday ) at 11 a.m with burial afterrwards in the local cemetery.   The Funeral Mass can be   viewed  on st-patricks-church-killeigh webcam.   House strictly private  at all other times please.   Family flowers  only.   Donations if desired to The Palliative Care Unit Tulllamore Hospital.



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