Bus Éireann says other measures to prevent the spread of the virus will remain.
School buses for second level students are returning to 100 per cent capacity.
Bus Éireann says other measures to prevent the spread of the virus will remain, including pre-assigned seating and mask-wearing.
School transport for post-primary level has been operating at 50% capacity since last year in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Bus Éireann says the Department of Education has kept this position under review, as the vaccination programme for post-primary age children was rolled out and as the restrictions were lifted on public transport.
Bus Éireann says plans began following the October mid-term break to resume operating at 100% capacity on secondary school buses.
But it says all other measures relating to hygiene, pre-assigned seating, cleaning and the wearing of masks by post-primary students will remain in place subject to further review.
Bus Éireann says its school transport offices around the country have been liaising directly with parents about any revised arrangements.