New figures from the CSO are tough reading for those in the midlands.
Almost half of the population of Offaly lives over 20 kilometres from the nearest emergency department.
New figures from the Central Statistics Office looking at proximity to services are tough reading for those in the midlands.
A quarter of all those living in Laois are 20 kilometres from the closest adult emergency department.
The figure is two in every five people in Westmeath, and just under 50% of Offaly.
It doesn't get any better for those in need of a garda station.
Six in ten people in the Faithful County are more than 10 kilometres away from the closest 24 hour station.
Just under 50% are facing the same problem in Laois.
Westmeath has the third highest proportion of people in the country living more than 10 kilometres from a fire station.
The figure there is 35%.
Some other notable findings include 49% of people in Laois have less than ten departures at their closest mode of public transport.
While over half of Offaly lives more than 5 kilometres from a national road network.