The National Inpatient Experience Survey finds most patients experience good care.
70% of hospital patients in the midlands aren't admitted to a ward from emergency departments within the HSE's own six hour target time.
The National Inpatient Experience Survey finds while most patients experience good care, waiting times are a major problem.
In the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore, 12 respondents were left waiting more than 48 hours - with that figure nine in Portlaoise - and two in Mullingar.
Many of the survey's 826 midlands participants felt there wasn't enough time to discuss their treatment, and they weren't fully involved in decisions about their care.
Rachel Flynn, Director of the National Care Experience Programme, says waiting times in Irish hospitals are now a year-round problem:
Future investment in community care will have an impact on waiting times at the country's hospitals, according to the head of the HSE.
Health Service CEO Paul Reid insists waiting times at acute hospitals will benefit from increased investment in community settings: