The latest Locked Out report says the midlands is providing less properties to rent.
The number of HAP properties is at a record low, sparking fears that yet more people will fall into homelessness.
Nationally, just 27 homes are available for those who use the Housing Assistance Payment, according to a Simon Communities latest survey - the lowest figure since its records began eight years ago.
Half of the areas had zero HAP properties available, including Portlaoise, while Athlone is one of nine study areas that experienced a decrease in the availability of properties to rent.
Simon Communities Executive Director, Wayne Stanley says the payment is crucial to avoid homelessness - and has this advice for Government:
Housing expert and lecturer in social policy at Maynooth University, Dr. Rory Hearne, says the Government is well aware of the situation:
The private rental market in the midlands is at "function zero," according to the Simon Communities of Ireland.
There are just 13 rental properties on offer in the region at any price - seven in Athlone, and six in Portlaoise.
Simon Communities Executive Director, Wayne Stanley, says the picture is vastly different when you step outside the capital:
Although there is a place for Housing Assistance Payments, the focus should remain on providing social and affordable homes.
That's the view of Co-Operative Housing Ireland, which aims to help local authorities deliver 700 of these homes by the end of this year.
A record number of people in the country are in receipt of HAP, despite the Simon Community reporting just 27 homes across 16 areas are affordable for those in receipt of the payment.
Member tenant and board member for CHI, and living in Birr, Francis Kawala, says a number of new developments and launches have taken place in the midlands: