Over 800 people are in hospital with the virus.
The Department of Heath is reporting16,986 confirmed cases of COVID19 today.
As of 8am today, 804 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised of which 93 are in ICU.
Children aged between 5 and 11 who are at higher risk of infection, begin getting their COVID-19 vaccinations from today.
Meanwhile, several vaccination centres are holding walk in Booster clinics again today for those aged 30 and over, as well as for healthcare workers, and those receiving the first and second dose,
Vaccination centres are welcoming their youngest clients for Covid-19 vaccinations from today.
Children aged 5 to 11 who are at higher risk of infection, will begin getting the first dose of their COVID-19 vaccination
For all remaining 5 to11 year olds, registration will commence shortly, and vaccinations will commence next Saturday.
Yesterday, clinics opened their doors to those aged 16-29 for a booster dose.
Appointments can be made online, but there were also walk in clinics available yesterday for this age group.
Today, booster clinics are available in some counties.
In Galway, there's a walk in booster clinic for over 30s,and healthcare workers and for those getting their first and second vaccinations until half past 1 and at Punchestwon a walk in clinic for these cohorts is open from 8.30am to 12.15pm
For the latest information on clinics and waiting times, you can check out hse live on twitter.