The figures were presented in a recent meeting of Offaly's Joint Policing Committee.
A midlands county is seeing a general drop in criminal damage and public order offences.
The latest crime statistics for the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 were presented to Offaly's Joint Policing Committee by Chief Superindendent John Scanlon.
Overall, instances of criminal damage are decreasing.
But there was a one-case rise in criminal damage not by fire from 85 offences to 86.
This was offset by a fifty per cent fall in cases of criminal damage by fire, from 6 down to 3.
Drunkeness offences are essentially static, at 28, that's one less than the same period in 2021.
While we've seen a fall in cases of public order offences, going from 66 to 58.
In total, instances of criminal damage and public order offences are down, falling from 186 to 175.
Superindendent Scanlon remarked after his presentation that the county can be satisfied these statistics are presented in numbers and not percentages, owing to the low number of crimes across the board.