A new uniform and an operation launched against the Kinahan Organised Crime Gang are also included in An Garda Síochana's Annual Report.
Nearly €60m worth of drugs were seized last year.
That's among the findings of An Garda Síochana's Annual Report for 2022, which includes an €8.4m cocaine seizure in Westmeath last August.
The report also highlights there were over 100 Gardaí on duty at any time during the Fleadh in Mullingar in 2022, which brought in a crowd of more than a half a million people.
Gardaí say the policing for that event was designed with "community engagement at its core."
A new uniform and a major international operation launched against the Kinahan Organised Crime Gang were also among the items highlighted in the report.
Garda Commissioner Drew Harris says:
"2022 marked An Garda Síochána’s centenary, it was a year of reflection and thanks for the organisation.
"It was also an opportunity to thank to all Garda personnel – both serving and retired – who have shown such commitment to protecting and supporting people and communities since 1922 and their families for supporting them in work that can be physically and mentally demanding.”
"While all our centenary activity demonstrated how we have evolved over the 100 years to meet the changing needs of society, it also showed how we remained true to our core value of policing not by force of arms or numbers, but on our moral authority as servants of the people."