The massive Laois festival has announced the event's line-up this afternoon.
Electric Picnic has revealed the line-up for this year's Hazel Wood.
Puzzy Wrangler, Coscán and Billow Wood are among the acts set to perform at the event, which aims to bring Gaeilge to centre stage from 7pm to midnight.
While during the day, the likes of The Timahoe Male Choir will take to the stage.
EP has also announced anyone who snagged an early entry ticket will have the opportunity to see an all-female line-up of comedy and music on Thursday, with Bláithín de Burca, Jess Collins, Laytha, Leanne Toland, Sinéad Walsh and Neev set to perform.
Electric Picnic returns to Stradbally in a little over a week's time, with early entrants getting the festivities kicked off on Thursday.
Speaking on the festival, Orlaith Nic Ghearailt of Conradh na Gaeilge commented:
"Conradh na Gaeilge are absolutely delighted to be back at Electric Picnic 2024 with a stellar line up sa Chollchoill / Hazelwood. Following on from their hugely successful EP performances in previous years it's great to have Sexy Tadhg back on stage on Friday as well as Bláithín Mhic Cána and Piaras Ó Lorcáin on Saturday.
Huartan, a tradtronica band from Béal Feirste, will make their debut in the Collchoill on Sunday.
This year we'll have DJs every night with a special set from Puzzy Wrangler on Saturday. From the Gaeltacht campsite to the Collchoill stage there will be plenty of opportunities for people to put Gaeilge ag Croí na Féile, at the heart of their festival, this year."
See the full line-up below: