Fine Gael Select Third Candidate For Longford-Westmeath

They have so far selected 70 candidates across the country.

Fine Gael have selected a third candidate to run in the upcoming general election in the Longford-Westmeath constituency.

Athlone's Tanya Cannon will represent the area for the party, alongside Minister Peter Burke and Senator Micheál Carrigy.

Ms Cannon owns and runs A1 Cleaning and Maintenance services in the town, and is the 29th woman selected as a candidate by Fine Gael.

The general election is due to take place by March next year, but there is heavy speculation it will be held before Christmas.

On her nomination, Ms Cannon says "I am truly honoured to be representing Fine Gael in the forthcoming General Election. As a party member for many years, I was inspired by the late Nicky McFadden, who was an excellent public representative for Longford-Westmeath and whose work impacted positively on the lives of so many."

"My ambitions for this constituency are boundless. Longford-Westmeath is a vibrant constituency, and its needs are many. Many of us lucky enough to be born and reared here want to continue to live here."

"We need to ensure a continuous pipeline of delivery of housing, which will be one of my key priorities if elected to Dáil Éireann. Quality community-based healthcare services are also required to look after our ageing population, along with further investment in transport infrastructure and youth facilities for our large student population."

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