It was announced earlier this week that 800 hotel rooms would be lost.
The government has secured accommodation for 1,400 asylum-seekers and refugees after a number of hotel contracts ended.
Minister for Integration Roderic O'Gorman confirmed earlier this week that 800 hotel rooms would be lost.
The Department of Integration have confirmed it has sourced alternative accommodation for those who are impacted by contracts with hotels ending this week.
It says another 1,200 asylum seekers will have to leave hotels by mid-April and they say it remains extremely challenging to find enough bed space for the number of refugees and international protection applicants who are continuing to arrive in Ireland on a weekly basis.
Asylum seekers have began to arrive at Columb Barracks in Mullingar, as the department plans to house up to 120 single men in tented accommodation for up to 16 weeks.
Portakabins are to be installed on the site during that period which will then be used to cater for families only and can accommodate up to 200 people.
It's expected the site will be used for the next 12 months.