The trade union is criticising the lack of certainty from Bord na Móna on decarbonisation.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions is criticising the lack of certainty and clarity from Bord na Móna on decarbonisation in the midlands.
ICTU general secretary, Patricia King, says the semi-state company and government need to provide a coherent Just Transition plan for the staff and communities who will be affected by the closure of the West Offaly and Lough Ree Power Stations next December.
Speaking at the Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action, Ms. King says opportunities can be sought from the shift to a low carbon economy, but Bord na Móna employees have yet to be informed properly of retraining and redeployment plans:
There is no possibility of using the West Offaly and Lough Ree Power Stations for any other form of energy production, according to an ESB director.
Fianna Fáil's Barry Cowen was among politicians questioning Jim Dollard, an executive director with the ESB at the Oireachtas Committee.
The Offaly deputy asked Mr. Dollard about alternative uses for the two facilities that were built in 2004: