Junior Transport Minister To Discuss Passenger Cap With Ryanair Boss

It follows a revelation this week that Dublin Airport is set to exceed the cap this year.

The Junior Transport Minister is due to discuss the Dublin Airport passenger cap with Ryanair CEO, Mullingar's Michael O'Leary next week.

James Lawless says maintaining the 32 million annual passenger limit may have a negative impact on Ireland's standing in the world.

It comes as the DAA warns the airport is set to exceed the cap this year.

Minister Lawless says it restricts the country's ability to expand economically:

In a statement to Midlands 103, Minister Lawless is reiterating he and the Government are in favour of increasing the capacity of Dublin Airport, which is in line with the National Aviation Policy.

The meeting with Mr. O'Leary is the latest in a series of discussions with key stakeholders to seek to limit the impact of this constraint.

It follows engagements with local residents, daa, Cork Airport, Shannon Airport Group and business groups.

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