The party has promised to deliver 300,000 homes, if elected to government.
Sinn Féin says an Offaly training facility will be key in increasing the number of builders in Ireland.
The party launched its long-awaited housing plan yesterday, which claims it would develop 300,000 homes for €39 billion if elected to government.
Sinn Féin Councillor in Tullamore, Aoife, Masterson, says the National Construction Training Campus in Mount Lucas will play a role in upskilling workers to help build up to 70,000 homes a year.
She says the centre incentivises young people to enter the construction industry:
As part of its plan, Sinn Féin says it will build affordable homes through the state retaining ownership of the land on which the house is built.
It would also see 175,000 homes delivered by the private sector, and 125,000 social and affordable units, provided by the State.
In terms of value, the party claims it would deliver affordable homes for between €250,000 and €300,000.
Sinn Féin has launched our plan to make housing affordable and to bring homeownership back into reach for working people - https://t.co/2I5kqMynSM
— Sinn Féin (@sinnfeinireland) September 2, 2024
'A Home Of Your Own' is a comprehensive costed plan, the scale and ambition of which has never been set out by any other party. pic.twitter.com/CIP7zNc3IL
The plan also discusses winding down the Help-to-Buy scheme, with it set to be closed to new applicants by December 2029, if the party were to be elected to government.
This measure has been criticised by Fine Gael, which claims Sinn Féin would leave first-time buyers "out to dry."