St Vincent's in Mountmellick is to get the most funding out of any single project.
Capital health projects in the midlands is in line for just over €20m of support according to the 2023 Health Capital Plan.
Laois is set to get by far the lions' share of that figure.
Over €13m is to be granted for a number of projects in Laois, with €7m set aside for new build work at St Vincent's in Mountmellick.
There's €6.7m for Westmeath, and just €1.44m for Offaly plans.
Mullingar Councillor, and member of Dublin Mid-Leinster Regional Health Forum, Hazel Smyth says Mullingar Hospital successfully lobbied for much needed investment:
Laois :
HIQA St Vincent's, Mountmellick - €7M HIQA Compliance, Phase 1, new build
HUB 24 St Fintan's Portlaoise - €540,000 New building adjacent and linked to existing Health Centre, to facilitate establishment of interim CDM Laois base incorporating ICPOP Outreach Services.
Refurbishment of first floor of the Health Centre for office accommodation for CDM Team.
New build facility for long-term CDM base & ICPOP Outreach services and associated ECC accommodation.
Portlaoise Primary Care Centre - €750,000 Adaptation of the building to create Portlaosie Primary Care Centre.
New replacement Community, Residence for 4 ID clients.
Portlaoise MRH - €4.95M Acute Mental Health Unit, anti ligature works.
Mechanical upgrade works to 10 existing ventilation systems, Paed Isolation Rooms, Decontamination Unit Endoscopy, Procedure Room, Special Care Baby Unit Decontamination Unit, Special Care Baby Unit.
Project to complete works based on fire safety audit report.
Reconfiguration of available space to provide additional clinical & admin accommodation.
Reconfiguration of Maternity Ward.
Respiratory Assessment Unit, Provision of 2 storey modular to provide respiratory assessment unit for ED to segregate Covid and non-Covid clients.
St Fintan's - €50,000 Refurbishment works for CAMHS Team 3
Offaly :
Birchwood House Tullamore - €300,000 High Support Community Residence, 10 beds
HUB 24 Tullamore Health Centre - €350,000 Refurb and internal reconfiguration, provision of temporary modular office block to facilitate establishment of interim ICPOP, incorporating CDM Outreach services.
Tullamore Midlands Regional Hospital - €250,000 Provision of new build palliative care unit with associated ancillary accommodation and day services, outpatient and community home care team accommodation.
Tullamore MRH - €540,000 Provision of dispensing robot for the pharmacy.
Reconfiguration works to provide mid-term AMAU isolation rooms in ED, reconfigure and extend Blood Transfusion and Histology labs.
Reconfiguration of existing space in the Renal Department to provide additional dialysis treatment spaces, storage and additional neutral pressure isolation rooms.
Athlone Ambulance Service - €100,000 New Ambulance Base
HUB 23 MRC Mullingar - €350,000 Reconfigure Mullingar Resource Centre to facilitate establishment of ICPOP specialist team (interim) pending the development of a permanent facility.
HUB 23 Mullingar MRH - €200,000 New build facility adjacent to new OPD at Mullingar Regional Hospital to provide a Hub for ICPOP and
ICPCD, two floors with carpark, site works, etc.
Mullingar Ambulance Station - €60,000 Relocate Ambulance Station in Mullingar, Project will replace existing fragmented service and integrate
fleet and operatives in one central location.
Mullingar MRH - €6M Extension to Radiology Department to accommodate an MRI being provided by others
OPD department to accommodate a Respiratory Assessment Unit, Adult and Paediatric Submission for Acute Floor
Provision of one additional Operating Theatre adjacent to the existing three Operating Theatres on first floor level at Regional Hospital Mullingar. Accommodation includes support rooms and & six recovery spaces.