Thousands of reflective badges are being delivered to school children across the region.
The annual Midlands 103 Be Safe Be Seen Road Safety Campaign is being launched today.
Thousands of reflective badges are being delivered to school children across the region.
Members of the emergency services are visiting Tullamore Educate Together School to speak to the pupils about staying safe on the roads.
Prof Eoin Sheehan, Orthopaedic Surgeon at the midlands regional Hospital Tullamore, says dealing with crashes can have an emotional impact on emergency services personnel:
Midlands 103 will be visiting schools from across the region over the next few weeks with cash prizes if they see children wearing their badges.
These pupils at Tullamore Educate Together discuss what they learnt at the event:
The Road Safety Authority is appealing for drivers to be aware of vulnerable road users and slow down in towns and villages across the Midlands.
The RSA Chief Executive Moyagh Murdock made the comments at the launch of the Midlands 103 "Be Safe, Be Seen" Campaign which is supported by Tullamore Credit Union, Tullamore Rotary Club and local surgeons.
9 people have lost their lives in the region so far this year.
Ms Murdock says it's a life destroying event for families: