Midlands Farmers In Line For €3m In Tillage Payments

The Minister for Agriculture says the tillage sector is an integral part of the Agri-food industry.

Over €3m is to be allocated to over 1,400 herds across the Midlands under a new government scheme for farmers.

The Tillage and Hortculture Support Scheme will automatically pay €100 per hectare of eligible crops which includes beetroots, carrots, potatoes and turnips.

Laois will receive the largest amount at €1.6m for 698 herds across the county.

While in Offaly, just €1m will be spread out across 510 herds - and in Westmeath it's a total of €621,000 for 230 farmers.

Minister for Agriculture, Food, and the Marine, Martin Heydon says:

"Last spring, Government recognised the difficult position tillage and horticultural farmers found themselves in due to exceptionally poor weather and continued high input costs. The tillage and horticultural sectors are exceptionally important to the Irish agri-food sector, and we wanted to ensure that supports were in place to assist farmers. As part of Budget 2025, funding was secured to deliver on the government’s commitment for a €100 per hectare payment to support tillage and horticulture growers who planted crops for the 2024 harvest.

Payment of €100 per hectare will be made on eligible tillage and horticulture crops that were declared on farmers’ 2024 BISS applications.

These payments will be visible in farmers’ bank accounts in the coming days.

The Minister adds:

“The tillage sector is an integral part of the Agri-food industry, and I am committed to stabilising and increasing the tillage area over the coming years. The Food Vision Tillage Group sets out a roadmap for growing the sector and a recent meeting of the Group focused on the work that is ongoing to progress its actions."

Farmers wishing to contact the department regarding their Tillage and Horticulture Support Scheme payments, can ring the Direct Payments Helpline at 057-8674422 or by email to tillage@agriculture.gov.ie

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