The scheme is expected to be approved by Cabinet.
A midlands haulier is welcoming a new €18m scheme to support the industry.
Under the scheme, companies will receive €1,200 for the first five lorries, €700 for vehicles six to 20, and €200for every vehicle after that.
Recent research from the Department of Transport estimates weekly fuel prices are around €300 more expensive per vehicle.
Vice President of Irish Road Haulage Association and Rosenallis' Ger Hyland says a lot of smaller hauliers are struggling:
Announcing the scheme, Minister Ryan said: “During a time of such uncertainty for global supply chains, this is a welcome scheme for such an important sector of our economy. While various support schemes have been announced for businesses impacted by gas or electricity price rises, these schemes offer limited applicability to the licenced haulage sector. I am therefore pleased to confirm that the Government has approved funding of €18 million for the Licensed Haulage Support Scheme 2023. The sector plays a key role in Ireland’s supply chain and in supporting Ireland’s economic activity. This funding will give hauliers the confidence to continue their operations without heightened financial burdens.”
Minister of State Chambers added: “The licensed haulage sector is a specific case in that it helps to underpin Ireland’s domestic and international supply chains. Virtually all goods moved into and around the country are moved by road, which makes it a sector of national strategic importance. This has been evidenced throughout the recent crises of Brexit, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. The Licensed Haulage Support Scheme 2023 is designed in such a way to target higher levels of support at smaller operators that are facing increased operating and fuel costs. It will therefore be operated on a graduated payment basis, meaning a larger relative level of support for smaller operators. Payments per vehicle will be calculated based on €1,200 for the first 5 vehicles on a licence; €700 for vehicles 6 to 20; and €200 for each vehicle thereafter.“