This is reduction is expected to last 13 months.
A midlands hospital is advising patients there will be a reduced number of parking spaces due to building work.
Construction is underway on the Outpatient Department at the Midlands Regional Hospital Mullingar.
This reduction will impact both patients and staff for the next 13 months.
According to Hospital Manager Kay Slevin: “The OPD building in RHM is a crucial and exciting development for the Hospital and for the people of Westmeath and Longford. The building will have a long-lasting positive impact on healthcare provision in this region. However, there will be short term pain for long term gain and that will manifest itself with reduced car parking spaces. Spaces have already been taken away, as a result patients and staff have found it difficult to get spots at busy times.”
Management in the Hospital are encouraging people to use public transport when attending the facility.
Management is also looking at alternatives options for the next 13 months.
This includes using other car parks and working with the local Bus Town Link to see what more can be done to allow people travel to the Hospital.
There will be parking attendants available to assist people trying to park during very busy times.
The hospital is apologising to patients and staff who will be affected by this disruption and thank them for their patience.