Various TDs have been calling for details on outbreaks to be published.
Covid admissions to midlands hospitals have increased over the weekend.
35 people are being treated for the virus this morning - up from 25 on Friday.
Two patients are in a critical condition in Tullamore Regional Hospital and one in Mullingar.
There are 359 covid patients in hospital in Ireland today, including 80 in intensive care.
The head of the HSE says the rising number of covid cases is an early warning signal.
769 new cases were confirmed here last night, which is the highest number since the end of February, including 74 in the midlands.
Paul Reid says more mixing and movement is leading to the increase:
There are calls from various TDs for more localised outbreak information to be published by the HSE.
But Director of Public Heath Midlands, Dr. Una Fallon doesn't think that will help: