The event is taking place in Laois from the 20th to the 22nd September.
Gardaí are advising motorists heading to the National Ploughing Championships to follow signage not their sat navs.
The event is taking place in Laois from the 20th to the 22nd September.
300,000 people are expected to attend the site in Ratheniska.
This link provides a map of all routes to the event site as well as on site parking and facilities.
Gardaí are advising all motorists to:
Identify and follow the traffic management plan for your best route to the event.
Follow event signage (Route and carparks)
Do not follow directions from Sat Nav devices.
Follow the directions of Gardaí and stewards.
If you have a vehicle pass make sure it is clearly displayed on the front window.
Do not bring valuable items to the event or leave them unattended in vehicles.
More details about the routes can be found here.