New Study Proposes €16m Two Court Sports Hall For Portlaoise

Another report has identified the need for a new sports hall in the town.

A new sports hall for a Laois town would cost €16 million

That's among the findings of a new feasibility study aimed at identifying the need for such a facility in Portlaoise, commissioned by Portlaoise Panthers.

The study, by S3 Solutions, found the existing sporting facilities in Portlaoise were unable to cater for demand, and had a negative impact on participation levels.

Stakeholders and sporting groups also raised concerns the cost of renting such facilities, and the lack of changing facilities.

It set out proposals for a preferred design for a new hall, which would include two full-sized basketball courts, separate team, male and female changing rooms, and a meeting area.

While the first floor of the facility would feature separate meeting rooms, an office space and a kitchen and large café.

The report says this hall would cost in the region of €16 million, however it also proposed a smaller design, which would cost significantly less, at €9.5 million.

The facility would be in the ownership of Portlaoise Panthers, or be leased long-term to the basketball club.

It would cater for large competitive events, and provide a multi-functional space.

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