New Teachers To Receive €2k Payment To Stay In Irish Schools

It's set to be used as an incentive for Irish teachers to take up jobs here.

There are a number of reasons for the teacher shortage affecting schools in Ireland, according to a Laois principal.

It comes as a new payment is set to be introduced for newly qualified teachers, amounting to €2,000.

Newly qualified teachers who take up a full time role for the coming school year would receive the payment next summer. 

Niamh Campion, Principal of Raheen National School and member of the Portlaoise INTO Branch says there is a definite pull to young teachers to work and live abroad:

According to the Irish Times the incentive scheme will apply to an estimated 2,000 teachers who've completed their professional masters of education. 

The Teacher's Union of Ireland says while its positive the Department of Education is acknowledging a recruitment crisis, the payment is not addressing the problem.

It's General Secretary, Tullamore's Michael Gillespie, says permanent work contracts are needed:

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