Gardaí began searching the wooded area on 11th October.
Gardaí say nothing of evidential value has been recovered in their search of a wooded area in Co. Kildare.
The search for clues into the disappearances of Deirdre Jacob and Jo Jo Dullard got underway earlier this month.
Gardaí began searching the wooded area, which is on private land, on 11th October.
This afternoon they've confirmed that the search yielded nothing to aid their investigation into the disappearance of the women.
The families of Deirdre Jacob and JoJo Dullard have been updated on the progress of the investigations
While the search has been completed, gardaí remain at the scene to complete necessary site works.
During the course of the search, the remnants of a previously undiscovered historical settlement were identified and the National Monuments Service has been notified.