The figure in Laois/Offaly alone almost trebled in four weeks.
The number of people in the midlands waiting for a spot in a nursing home under the fair deal scheme increased by 48% during September.
The figure in Laois/Offaly alone almost trebled in the same four week period.
The figures were released by the HSE in response to a parliamenatry question from Roscommon-Galway TD Eugene Murphy.
They show 43 patients - 23 in Longford/Westmeath and 20 in Laois/Offaly are waiting for a place as of 30th September.
This represents a 200% increase Laois/Offaly since 17th September - when the number was just seven.
The average wait time is up also.
It now stands at five weeks per person, having previously been a month.
Nationally, the total has jumped by a third from 525 to just under 690.
Waterford has the largest proportion of patients on the list at 34.
It's also estimated in the response that in September, 745 people were unable to be discharged from hospital - despite being medically cleared to do so - because they had no where to go.