The County Council estimates that 998 properties are needed to meet demand.
Over 1,108 people remain on a waiting list for social housing in Westmeath.
The County Council estimates that 998 properties are needed to meet demand.
In its latest annual report, Westmeath County Council shows a decrease in the net housing need of 18% between 2019 and 2020.
That reduced the number of properties needed by 224 from over 1,200 to the current figure of 998.
It also lists the total stock available at just short of 3,000 homes.
Of this, 2,023 are council owned, 534 are under the rent assistance scheme and 409 are part of the social housing lease initiative.
An additional 1,014 people are receiving support through the HAP scheme.
The local authority added 59 houses to its stock last year while a further 47 are currently under construction in Kinnegad and Mullingar.