That brings the total in the county so far to 8,737.
More than 1,600 premises in Westmeath have been added to the number able to connect to high speed broadband.
These homes, farms and businesses are in the Moate deployment area of the National Broadband Plan, covering Moate, Ballymore, and Moyvoughly.
Over 8,700 premises in Westmeath in total can now access high speed connection, with 12,000 included in the intervention area of the plan.
Elsewhere in the county, works are underway for 1,500 premises near Tyrrellspass, and a further 450 in the Hill of Down area.
Peter Hendrick, Chief Executive Officer, National Broadband Ireland, says: This will enable those who connect to experience the life-changing benefits of high-speed broadband with minimum speeds of 500 megabits per second."