The facility was opened on Thursday to help break the chain of transmission in Offaly.
430 people have attended the walk-in COovid-19 test centre in Tullamore today.
The facility was opened on Thursday to help break the chain of transmission in Offaly.
The HSE has now decided to extend the radius for testing to 15km, up until now people could only attend the facility if they were in a 5km radius.
The Community Healthcare Organisation and the National Ambulance Service aim to carry out 300-500 Covid-19 tests per day - the site will open 11am - 7pm each day until Thursday.
The county has had one of the highest incidence rates in the country for seven weeks. Today the rate is at 461 per 100,000 population.
The Tullamore Local Electoral Area has the highest rate in the country at 755, with rates of 377 in the Edenderry area and it's 204 in Birr.
Mullingar's rate is at 127, with Portlaoise's rate at 123.
The Health Department has confirmed another 29 new confirmed cases in Offaly, with 17 in Laois and 20 in Westmeath.
Statement from the HSE:
The criteria for the free drive walk-in COVID-19 testing service are:
·Aged 16 years and over
·Do not have symptoms of Covid-19 but would like to be tested
·May not have your own GP Live within 15K of the walk-in testing centre.
Process for Referral
Each person presenting will be requested to provide ID e.g.
·A valid passport (passport book or passport card)
·A current driving licence (Irish, UK, EU, US)
·A Public Services Card
·A National Age Card (issued by An Garda Síochána)
·An identification form with a photograph signed by a member of An Garda Síochána
·Free Travel Pass
·A valid student identity card issued by an educational institution
·A bank card
Members of the public will need to bring with them photographic ID and provide a mobile phone number in order to provide test results. The normal social distancing measures will apply and people have the option to return at another day or time if the waiting times are too long.
The public are being advised that they should not attend the walk-in clinic if they are showing symptoms (high temperature, a new cough, shortness of breath or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste) of COVID-19. The HSE are continuing to advise people with these symptoms to self-isolate and phone their GP straight away, who will advise if they need a free COVID-19 test.