The money is going towards those who are educationally disadvantaged.
Over €500,000 in funding has been announced to support community education projects in the midlands.
The Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund will provide over €320,000 to the Laois Offaly Education and Training Board while Longford and Westmeath ETB will receive over €220,000.
Initiatives such as Athlone Community Training Centre, Longford Community Resources and Women's Community Projects in Mullingar will be among the groups which benefit.
The aim of such projects are to assist educationally disadvantaged learners in accessing and participating in community education.
#LOETB are delighted to hear Minister @SimonHarrisTD has announced €6.85 million in community education funding for educationally disadvantaged learners in Ireland, through the #MAEDF. This funding has been a lifeline for many learners and communities throughout Laois and Offaly
— Laois and Offaly ETB (@laoisoffalyetb) December 13, 2021