Westmeath County Council have moved the project to the design phase.
Westmeath County Council is announcing the preferred option for the development of a long awaited road development project.
The N4 Mullingar to Rooskey secured an upgrade of 1.4 million euro in funding last year from Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
A 52km stretch is the largest unimproved section, including Ballinalack, Rathowen, Edgeworthstown, all the way to Newtownforbes and accounts for approximately 25 per cent of the entire N4/M4 corridor.
This section of the N4 has seen over 200 injuries and 20 fatalities resulting from collisions, between 2008 and 2023.
The project now moves into the 'Design and Environmental Evaluation' phase of the upgrade.
An overview of the Preferred option can now be viewed on N4mullingartolongford.ie