That's according to a new report from a housing charity.
Poor living conditions is among the biggest issue facing rental tenants.
Figures from Threshold show a 4.5% increase in queries relating to sub-standard accommodation in the months between July and September compared to the same period last year.
7% of all calls to the national housing charity were about poor standards of rental homes.
It's CEO John-Mark McCafferty wants the standards of inspections by local authorities to be improved.
The introduction of an NCT system for housing misses the point of priority when it comes to issues in the sector.
That's the perspective of a midlands auctioneer with housing charity group, Threshold calling for an improvement in accommodation standards.
Their latest report shows a rise in the amount of tenant queries about problems with mould and broken heating systems.
Andrew Duncan, of DNG Duncan Auctioneers, in Mullingar says the loss of landlords from the market should be the focus: