The cash includes €500, €200 and €100 notes.
Gardai in the midlands are investigating the theft of a substantial sum of money.
The cash, which includes €500, €200 and €100 notes, was stolen in and around Edenderry town, at around lunchtime on Saturday.
The empty wallet was subsequently recovered near the Bus Stop at O'Connell Square.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact Edenderry Garda Station.
Advice from An Garda Síochána:
If you are carrying out cash banking transactions please take the following general advice:
Be aware of your surroundings, especially if something seems strange as you enter the bank.
Conceal your bank deposit bags, coin boxes or envelopes as you enter and leave the bank.
Take your bank bag or envelope with you into your next destination. Don’t hide it in your vehicle.
Always vary your routes and times for cash drops and collections.
Consider using electronic funds transfer rather than depositing or withdrawing cash.
If you feel like you are being followed, call 999 and drive to a Garda station.