The date for submissions has been extended until the 18th of October.
Westmeath County Council is extending the deadline for suggestions on the regeneration of Castlepollard.
A plan to revive the town involves developing a park, renovating the Market House and enhancing the public realm.
The community is invited to take part in a needs assessment, to help inform the project.
The survey - which can be accessed online or in hard copy format - will now close next Monday, 18th October at 12 noon.
The local authority says it wants to deliver a highly sustainable and integrated town centre that will support the local community and stimulate the development of the town and its hinterland.
If you wish to make comments on the consultation, you can do so using this online survey or via email on regen@westmeathcoco.ie.
Hard copies of the survey are available on request.
For further information relating to the Regeneration plan development and consultation:
Visit: https://www.westmeathcoco.ie/en/ourservices/regeneration/castlepollardregeneration/
Telephone: 044-9332076
Email: regen@westmeathcoco.ie
This project is funded under Project Ireland 2040.