He says it means Technologically Universities all across the country including in the Midlands.
The Taoiseach says Fine Gael believes an investment in education is an investment in our future.
Leo Varadkar's also discussed the challenges of housing and Climate Action at the Young Fine Gael National Conference.
He says we now spend over €11 billion on Education every year and that reflects his party's belief in the importance of it in changing lives.
The Fine Gael leader says he knows it may not be enough but it is more than ever before and if we continue to manage our public finances and economy well - there will be more.
Leo Varadkar says it means Technologically Universities all across our country. The first in Dublin but hopefully the South East next year and the Midlands, North West, and South West after that.
He wants to ensure there's a greater supply of housing: social homes for people on the housing lists; private housing for people who want to buy; and places available for people to rent, because some want or need to rent from time to time.
The Taoiseach says the Government's Climate Action Plan sets out dozens upon dozens of climate actions that will give us warmer homes, cleaner air, shorter commute - climate actions that will create the jobs and businesses of the future.