A protest was held in Westmeath last week over plans to house refugees in tented accommodation.
The Taoiseach says the Government needs to improve how it speaks to communities about housing refugees.
A number of concerns have been raised in Mullingar after the Government announced plans to move 120 single men into tented accommodation at Columb Barrack.
Leo Varadkar also believes a hard line should be taken on people giving false reasons for seeking entry to the country.
The Fine Gael leader is to meet the Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky this afternoon.
Speaking at the European Council summit, he says it's important local communities know what's happening when refugees are housed there:
While Minister for Equality Roderic O'Gorman says the landscape has completely changed when it comes to ending direct provision as a result of the current crisis:
The Education Minister says it's up to each school to decide if they want to offer refugee accommodation this summer.
It comes as the Government deals with an apparent accommodation shortage, as many hotels currently housing new-arrivals look set to return to the tourist trade in the coming months.
The Integration Minister has written to his cabinet colleagues in recent days, seeking to use large halls and art centres as temporary accommodation hubs.
Minister Norma Foley says individual schools can decide if they want to offer space this summer: