Up to now H5N8 has only been found in wild birds.
A flock of turkeys at a farm in south Wicklow have been culled to stop the spread of a new bird flu strain.
Up to now H5N8 has only been found in wild birds - and this free-range flock near Knockananna is the first outbreak on a farm.
Agriculture authorities across Northern Europe have ordered mass culls of tens of thousands of birds since the autumn.
Toomervara's Tim Cullinan - president of the Irish Farmers' Association, says poultry keepers must be on guard:
Vets are continuing to test samples from the farm near Knockananna.
The Department of Agriculture is imposing controls on the movement of poultry across a 3km area between Hacketstown, Tinahely and Ballygobban.
But Mr. Cullinan says there's no danger to humans: