Opening at the covid-19 testing centre in Athlone is also being extended.
Walk-in vaccination services in Laois are being extended this week.
The HSE have also announced that covid-19 testing will continue in Athlone over three days between 6th and 13th August.
Almost 2,500 vaccines were delivered across the midlands over the bank holiday, with a sizable number of those jabs going to young people.
Opening Times:
LAOIS - Walk-In Vaccination
Midlands Park Hotel, Jessop Street, Portlaoise.
Thursday 5th August, 9am to 4pm
WESTMEATH - Covid-19 Testing
Former St. Aloysuis College, Deerpark Road, Athlone, N37 RR60
Friday 6th August, 10am to 4am
Tuesday 10th August, 10am to 4pm
Friday 13th August, 10am to 4pm.
What to bring to your vaccine appointment:
Wear something that will make it easy for you to get the vaccine in your upper arm. You should also wear a face covering.
Bring your appointment information. This will be on your mobile phone or in a letter.
You will also need a photo ID and a document that shows your date of birth. Bring this to both of your vaccination appointments.
Your photo ID can be your:
- passport - book or card
- driving licence
- Public Services Card
- travel pass
- National Age Card - issued by the Gardaí
- school or college ID
If your photo ID does not have your date of birth on it, you should also bring a copy of your birth cert or some other documentation that has your date of birth.
If you are 18 or older, you will not be vaccinated if you do not have photo ID.
Aged 16 or 17 and have no photo ID
Bring your birth cert if you are aged 16 or 17 and have no photo ID.
If you also have proof of your Personal Public Service (PPS) number, such as a child benefit letter containing your PPS number, this will be helpful for staff at the vaccination centre. But you do not need it to get vaccinated.