Out of a possible 100 points, Westmeath scored just 23 on the index.
Westmeath is the worst county for SMEs in the country, according to new analysis.
Baldwin Digital's new study looked at a number of factors, based on CSO figures, including the percentage of the number of Small and Medium Enterprises in relation to all businesses.
Westmeath scored just 23 points out of 100 on the table, while Offaly scored 39, putting it at 22nd on the list of counties.
A score of 50 lands Laois around middle of the table, in 15th.
Wicklow is the best ranked county for SMEs in Ireland, securing 63 points on the index.
Mark Baldwin, Director and Founder of Baldwin Digital commented on the study: "Approximately 44.32% of businesses across Ireland have less than 50 staff members, with every county except Dublin and Westmeath having a higher percentage than the national average.
"Connacht is the only province in Ireland without a county in the top 10 ranking, with Mayo ranking highest in the region, taking 12th place overall."