The new centre will have the capacity to accommodate up to 1,000 International Protection Applicants.
Work on a new major accommodation centre in Westmeath is expected to start "soon."
The Department of Integration has revealed new details on the planned 'Midland Accommodation Centre' at Lissywollen, Athlone.
The first residents are due to be accommodated within five weeks of the commencement of works at the site, and will then increase in phases, before reaching a maximum capacity of up to 1,000 International Protection Applicants.
Those set to be housed at the centre will be male asylum seekers, who will be accommodated in both tented and modular accommodation.
The Department of Integration says it's begun engaging with the local community this week, with information being provided about the planned development.
It also says the project is at a very early design stage, but it will continue to share information as the centre develops.
The project forms part of a Government strategy which will include developing emergency accommodation on five sites around the country.