In other business news, ALONE and Threshold are calling on the Government to take action on housing for older people.
The Labour Party says more clarity is needed on which kind of businesses can refuse cash - and when.
Under Government plans announced yesterday, so-called 'essential businesses, like pharmacies and supermarkets, will be obliged to take physical money.
Ministers are also due to sign off on measures to ensure there are a certain amount of ATMs available per 100 thousand people.
How do you pay the rent when you retire?
That's the question being asked today by two national charities, calling on the government to take action on housing for older people.
ALONE and Threshold both say they're working with a growing number of older people facing notices to quit, increasing rent, poor housing conditions, and homelessness.
Looking at today's Currency Markets, one euro buys you £0.85 and $1.08
While the ISEQ Index of Irish Shares is at 8,957, down 0.53% since the opening.
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