He has over 25 years experience as an executive leader.
The CEO of a Westmeth company has been appointed as Chair of Board of Irish Medtech.
Padhraic McGinn, from Mergon Group in Castlepollard has over 25 years executive leadership experience in medtech pharma.
The Mergon Group is a global company manufacturing technical components for the healthcare sector.
Dr Eoghan Ó Faoláin, Irish Medtech Association Director said, "our vision is for Ireland to be strongly positioned as a global leader in innovative patient centred medical technology solutions, helping to set the future global healthcare agenda, with a proven ecosystem that is a major contributor to the economy. With over 25 years executive leadership experience in medtech pharma, along with small and large molecule processes and precision mechanical/ electronic devices Padhraic has incredible insight to offer. We are luck to have someone with his exceptional track record in delivering multi-site business transformation using Shingo, people engagement, process improvement and digital factory systems join the list of incredible association chairs."
Mr. McGinn was elected Chair at the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which took place in Cork. Jackie Murphy, General Manager at Alcon was elected as Vice-Chair.